Who I am


I am Domiziano Pontone, born in Turin on 28 March 1976.
After completing my studies at the Liceo Classico Cavour in Turin, I enrolled at the University of Law and obtained my degree in 2002.

After my internship at the law firm of my father, Marzio Pontone, in 2004 I joined what would later become Gi Group Holding, where I still work in the role of Chief Corporate Sales Officer, already a member of the company’s Top Management. Over time I have published four books, L’educazione cinematografica (2015) for Tullio Pironti, In incantate terre deserte (2017) for L’Erudita (republished through Rossini Editore in 2023), Marchio di fabbrica (2020) for Robin Edizioni and again for the latter the sequel, Il codice dell’odio (2023). The first is non-fiction, the second is a collection of short stories, the third and fourth are two detective stories.

I have visited 55 countries, I lived in Poland for two years, I speak two languages fluently and three others more than enough to survive in the relevant countries.

On behalf of Feltrinelli and for the internal Maremosso column, I take care of the film reviews on the site. I bring various cinema shows to theatres/cinemas/festivals/squares, tailored according to the events’ needs.

I have been collaborating with the Catholic University for over ten years, leaving various testimonies, sometimes in English, sometimes in Italian, at various degree or master’s courses. Since 2024 I have also been a contract professor.

I am also a teacher at some European Business Schools, ranging from Sales & Negotiation to Leadership and Team Management, up to courses on oral and written communication. I am called to perform in corporate contexts, where I offer speeches or masterclasses mainly on the topics just mentioned.

I have been married since 2012 to Sara, I have a 6-year-old daughter, Clizia.



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