Scenarios that Inspire

I am a film enthusiast and seek to transform cinematographic magic into meaningful experiences that leave an impression.

from 1 to 3 days


Training is provided, primarily in person, on the following topics:

1. Negotiation;
2. Sales;
3. Leadership;
4. Written and verbal communication;
5. Team management;
6. Storytelling & Emotional Speaking.

All trainings are delivered using cinematographic suggestions.

from 60 to 120 minutes


Speeches are performed in person on the following topics:

1. Team management – Stanley Kubrick;
2. Leadership – Michael Mann;
3. Negotiation – Martin Scorsese;
4. Communication – Sergio Leone;
5. Cinema as a precursor to the future;
6. Age Management.

from 90 to 120 minutes


Shows are performed, all about cinema, including the following themes:

1. Stanley Kubrick;
2. Sergio Leone;
3. Martin Scorsese;
4. Alfred Hitchcock;
5. Bud Spencer e Terence Hill;
6. The Movie Brats;
7. The 12 cult directors;
8. Cinema and Literature;
9. Cinema and Mafia;
10. Cinema and Spirituality;
11.  Cinema and See;
12. Rock and Cinema;
13. Any other topic shared in advance.


Exploring literary worlds

A Journey through my books

L'educazione cinematografica

In incantate terre deserte

Marchio di fabbrica

Il codice dell'odio

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